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Appendix B Selected Solutions

3 Finance
3.1 Introduction to Spreadsheets
3.1.6 Exercises

3.2 Simple and Compound Interest
3.2.11 Exercises

3.4 Savings Plans
3.4.5 Exercises

3.5 Loan Payments
3.5.9 Exercises

3.7 Income Taxes
3.7.14 Exercises

4 Data
4.1 Overview of the Statistical Process
4.1.22 Exercises

4.2 Describing Data
4.2.24 Exercises

4.4 Summary Statistics: Measures of Center
4.4.7 Exercises

4.5 Summary Statistics: Measures of Variation
4.5.10 Exercises

4.7 Chapter 3 Review

Review Exercises

4.8 The Normal Distribution
4.8.8 Exercises

6 Democracy
6.1 Apportionment
6.1.11 Exercises

6.2 Voting Methods
6.2.12 Exercises

6.3 The Popular Vote, Electoral College and Electoral Power
6.3.4 Exercises

6.4 Gerrymandering and How to Measure It
6.4.5 Exercises

6.5 Chapter 5 Review

Review Exercises

6.6 Federal Budget, Deficit and National Debt
6.6.8 Exercises